Sunday, October 16, 2011


How Happy have a Family

        We always thought that the world would be fine if we live alone without the presence of someone we love. We are always selfish with the affairs of our work outside, we are always busy with what we do outside. Nevertheless we are not aware of what we are doing now; we do not know that we are waiting for our families at home. Can we imagine, we have a happy family with the presence of a child that we foster and raised with our wives, if a husband comes home from work and knocked on the door of our house, a husband will be greeted with a cheerful and happy by his son and his wife? how happy it if we have a family of mutual caring and loving one another and how the importance of the presence of a family in resolving a problem or face a difficult situation following the story of one man who faces a difficult choice in the family and chose to accompany his wife:

Bill Havens, a great rower International caliber in the period ahead
his quarantine rowing world cup,

received news that his wife will soon give birth.

Upon hearing the news he chose to go home & do not follow the world championships & decided to stay with his wife who will bear.

A dozen years later, 1952,

Bill received a telegram from his son,

Frank, who at that time had just won a gold medal in the Olympic 10,000, meters Can in Finland.

The telegram read:

"Father, thank you for having to wait for my birth.

I'll bring home the gold medal father who should have won a few years ago.

Thy dearest, Frank ... "

From the above story we can learn how the presence of very large impact families for family members.

Theodore Roosevelt, former U.S. President said,

"I'd rather spend time together with my family than with anybody of world.

Friends of ...

In the end we will come to a point where basically anything we do,

all our labors in the work,

all for them,

families that we love.

In the end we will find that position, achievements, & promotions are not
manfully togetherness among the family.

So reach brothers exchanged the warmth in your family busy on the job with you who may already be excessive?

There is always my best result of the hard work of my best anyway

"Do not Forget, Your family is the best reply Affairs of Any Good of God"
 i hope your family is Happy Family !! :)

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