Thursday, December 29, 2011

Philips launches three series LED monitor to segment business end of September 2011 ago. Three series of LED monitors are ProfessionalLine (P Line), Business Line (Line B) and Small Business Line (S Line). According toSenior Product Manager for Philips Monitor International, Hawk Chang, LEDs are used inthis product does not contain mercury so it is very safe environment.The technology that was carried, LED (Light Emitting Diodes) makes Philips monitors 40 percent more efficient than LCD monitors that use CCFL technology (Cold CathodaFlorescent Lamps). Line P series comes with a screen size of 23in, 24in, and 27in. P Lineis equipped with features that DisplayPort can connect a PC with a monitor directly withoutrequiring an adapter. 
Data transfer speeds up to 10.8 Gbps per second, faster than DVI."This series is suitable forthe architecture and designers who need quality images with high resolution. The colorlooks like the original color, "said Marketing Manager of Philips Monitor International,Recky Yu. As for the series B Line and S Line was developed specifically for the class ofhome-based businesses such as small businesses, equipped with High Definitiontechnology that is ideal for graphical applications. Smartlmage feature is technology thatcan adjust the display settings. this series comes in sizes 20 inches and 21.5 inches.

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