Saturday, October 22, 2011


The difference between XBOX and Playstation 3!

The difference is not too far from the only color and graphics course
Xbox is superior in color and the Playstation 3 is superior in graphics
Xbox features even less, why? for Xbox features approximately only one-Kinect
Kinect are additional features of the Xbox or Xbox systems that use human gestures like the other gaming device that is Wii. Kinect game is also highly qualified. Xbox excess is in addition to having Kinect I described earlier is the color and graphics are almost similar to the Playstation 3. Xbox game pretty much, let alone the average Xbox games are also in the Playstation 3.

Playstation 3 has more features than the Xbox, more or less the additional cameras can be purchased at several stores in the city of your game. Playstation 3 can detect the Internet or Wifi signal. The features of the Playstation 3 is a feature that resembles the Xbox or the Wii system that can detect the motion of our bodies, namely the Playstation Move to feature quite interesting, because we can play certain games by moving our bodies just like the Wii and Kinect.

Playstation 3 and Xbox shortage
Xbox has the disadvantage that the game should match or be compatible with the game system, such as playing with the latest games and we also failed to install it, and we must renew the Xbox system.

2.PlayStation 3
PlayStation 3 has deficiencies in terms of installation at the beginning of our system to play the game and its installation is quite longer than the Xbox. Release the game on the PlayStation 3 is quite a long time it also makes the PlayStation 3 has a game that is not too much.

I have tips and tricks with a brief at the time you want to play these games without the CD is by installing the jailbreak, you can purchase the application at your nearest store, if you do not exist in the city sold jailbreak you can download the application here

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